Wednesday, 14 December 2005

Pregraduation Photo Day!

Today I guess you could say was my penultimate day as a medical student! After a grey sky threatened rain briefly in the morning, God parted the clouds to allow warm rays of sunshine to stream upon the grounds of UNSW! Meanwhile, a group of excited med students, myself included, had flocked to UNSW to pick up their graduation gowns, hoods and hat thingies from the Gift and Graduation shop!

We then spent the morning and much of afternoon taking photos (and not one, not two, but heaps!!!!!!!) all around the campus. We took some really really awesome shots, both serious and candid and my favourite had to be one of a bunch of us in a tree! Will have to put that up when I get it off someone's camera! Our antics drew a many odd looks from passers by but also many really nice congratulations and well wishes from total strangers! Our avid photography session was interrupted only by something that could lure a bunch of Asians anywhere - a free medical indemnity insurance company sponsored breakfast!!! In the end it wasn't that great a breakfast but hey, it was free and they even gave us a free tendon hammer!

After our afternoon photo session, we headed to Shona's place for Big Dave's mmm mmm mmm pancakes!!! They were really awesome Dave! A perfect day was capped off by 2 quick games of Settlers at Jimbo's place!

1 comment:

J said...

And who won those games of Settlers? You failed to mention my record breaking speed of 15 minutes!