Sunday, 6 May 2007

Sean & Eva's Wedding!

Yesterday was Sean and Eva's wedding! Picked up Jen jeje (cos Tim had to be there early as official videographer) and found a nice park at CCC! Luckily we got there early cos there were so many people!!! Met Fi fi outside and we went in together. We ended up sitting in the choir pews! Di caught the train over the bridge after parking at work and met us not long after. She forgot to bring the cute card she had bought ages ago so she had to buy another one. That made me wonder whether I had remembered to bring the present or not in the rush out the door...!

It was good seeing some of the old SOTE gang! Brought back a lot of fond memories about my time there! I also realised how many new ppl there are at CCC too though!

Eva arrived late but looked radiant! Sean was absolutely beaming, as were his parents whom I hadn't seen in a while.

The pastor gave a great evangelistic talk before the wedding vows. Then there was the signing of the registry before we were introduced to Mr and Mrs Sean Lee! (Always sounds funny introducing a new couple and only using the guy's Christian name!).

Turns out I forgot to bring the present so we had to head home to get it! Funny how Di forgot the card and I forgot the present!

The reception was at Watersedge at the Rocks, funnily enough right by the water! We missed the intro of the wedding couple but more importantly, were just in time for the entree! Hehehe!

Food was great and between the courses there were speeches from the fathers of the couple and best man and maid of honour, as well as slide shows and videos!

All in all a really nice wedding that was a real testament to God's love for us in giving us human relationships but more importantly, giving up his son Jesus for our sins so that we might be able to enter a relationship with Him again!

Sean and Eva, we await and invitation to your new place! =P

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