Thursday 18 May 2006

All aboard the thought train...

Ever find yourself buggered as anything lying in bed about to fall asleep but then you realise you can't cos there's like a million things running through your head? That's what I found myself doing just the other night...and it's not an uncommon occurrence either... As I lay in bed tucked warmly under my doona staring at the ceiling, it was bizarre actually thinking about the thoughts flying around my head! I found myself almost on a journey...a thought train if you like...thinking about my day at work...putting in my first chest drain (!)...what I'd like to do in the future...where I see myself in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years...10 years...when I'd get many kids I'd have...where we'd live...where I'd like to go travelling...what it'd be like if *blah* were to happen...

And suddenly I realised...most of the things I think about, excluding the weird and bizarre thoughts I sometimes have, are focussed on the future... Maybe I'm subconsciously feeling that it's time to get a move on with my life...that things are moving too...slowly...? But having started work finally after umpteen years of would have thought that that was enough of a big life change, a big life event for now... I guess I see friends, relatives and colleagues all around me getting married and I panic and think 'hey I'm 23 already and don't even have a gf! How on earth am I gonna get married by the time I'm *blah* years old like so and so!'

And then I think...hang isn't a race! Starting work, getting married, having kids...these aren't checkpoints we somehow have to make it to first! But then again I think about other friends and family who remain single well into their 30s and I think 'I don't wanna end up like them!'. Not that singleness is a bad thing but God created us for relationships...relationships with Him and with one another and the worse thing for a human being is to be alone, hence solitary confinement as a severe punishment...

Time for bed...time to stare at the ceiling...time to board the thought train...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

singleness doesn't mean being alone.
altho sometimes it may feel like it.
and the world around us certainly likes shouting it in our ears.

thankfully life is not a race huh?! at least not in the sense of checkpoints like those.

In God's perfect timing if He so desires. For we believe and know a God who is all powerful and ever so loving.

Be patient, ne!
take csre my friend and sweet dreams ;)