Sunday, 12 February 2006

Sleeping on the job...(^-^)zzz

Here I am at hospital doing my very first week of night shifts (Sat-Fri 11.30pm-8.30am)! It's 2.45am in the morning and I've just done a ward round of sorts so I'm kinda hoping I won't get called for a while! It's weird being here by myself so late at night...I mean there are other people around but walking down the empty corriders in a hospital in the middle of the night is...well...kinda eerie!

Well the Davis cup is on tv at the moment. Aussies are playing the Swiss in Switzerland. Wondering whether I should watch it or try and squeeze in a power nap...??? Atm not too sleepy maybe cos I woke up at 10.30am today and slept for a few hours after dinner before coming to work. But haven't really figured out what's gonna work for me in terms of switching around my sleeping patterns for this week...

Ok I think I'll take Garfield's advice and try and sleep before my alarm clock (pager) goes off randomly...!

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