Thursday, 9 February 2006

Who wants to be an Intern???!

Wow - exciting news today! ...ok maybe not that exciting but anyhow... My patient load hit an all time record low of 12 patients!!! I couldn't believe it!!! We started out the day with 17 patients, sent home 5 and hey presto, we broke the previous record of 14 patients to reach the new record low of 12! Ok so maybe it's not as low as some people I know who only have four patients but hey for me it's a HUGE deal considering I started out the term with 27! I have to say there's nothing more satisfying at the moment than crossing a patient off my list. But I have to say, I've been wondering about this and what it reflects about my attitudes, conscious or subconscious, about work...

Does the satisfaction I get reveal that:
A. I'm actually a lazy bugger who wants to do as little work as possible - less patients = less work.

B. After my baptism of fire in having to manage 27 patients, now I think I've become super super intern and our huge list of patients has been cut down cos of my super effort.

C. I've reached the opposite end of the emotional spectrum, from wanting to cry when I had to manage 27 patients to sheer joy and relief in now only having to look after 12 patients.

D. I'm happier cos my patients are getting cured and (after often lengthy stays in hospital) are being sent home happy, my reg and consultants seem happy with me, and hey things are on the up.

E. I really waste too much time thinking about these things and should get out more...

You've unfortunately run out of lifelines and Eddie Mcguire's running out the door to become CEO of channel's it gonna be??? What are you gonna lock in??! Huh huh huh?!

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