After much thought, I think that's just about the only thing I like about this emergency term so far... Working four 10-hr days per week rather than five 8-hr days means more days off and that can only be a good thing! ...which makes me wonder...if I'm so happy not to be at work, does that mean I don't like work???
Hmm...maybe it's just this ED term...the unpredictability of each shift...not knowing what will walk in the door next... Yes I know, I say 'what' when referring to patients coming in the door...is that a bad sign too??? Sometimes it's just so frustrating dealing with some patients...actually most of the patients I've seen so far...that one can't help but label them by what postulated disease they may have just out of spite - to the CMO..."uh Dr so and so, I have absolutely no idea what to do with my left-upper-quadrant-abdo-pain-guy-who-says-he-hasn't-peeed-for-2-days-guy...could you sort him out for me? Pretty please??!" On the other hand I have met some really nice people and man the kids and babies I've seen - SOOOOOOOO cute!!! Kinda scary not knowing what to do with them too but I kinda wanna take them home with me!
Man I feel so dumb and inadequate this term! Whereas I was confidently prowling the wards last term, doing ward rounds on my own, pretty sure of my stuff, now I find myself without much idea for most of the patients coming in ED and looking like a complete idiot and dumbass when I present dodgy cases to the CMO or staff specialist! Luckily most of them are really nice and don't expect me to know too much...still...
Makes me wonder about how I'll survive in GP land...if that's what I really want to do...
1 comment:
ya same here. ED makes me nervous. everytime i go in, i swear my HR jumps up. it's scary, cos you send patients home... unlike on the wards, if anything happens things can't get too bad cos they're already in hospital with a MET call team that will come running in a sec.
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